Thursday, May 7, 2020

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week: Teachers Change Lives

Game Changers 

This week people across the nation celebrated National Teacher Appreciation Week. We celebrated the work of educators all over this nation and their commitment to education, motivating, and encouraging students to learn fundamental basics that will assist them with life long learning and being productive citizens in society. Although there have been many educators in my life that have all played an important role in my development as an individual, my love for learning, and even my career choice, today I wanted to honor all the educators and write this blog not just for teachers and educators, but so that students and parents can see the importance of working and growing relationships with teachers and educators. The picture below is of myself and my middle school 8th grade earth science teacher at my 2012 graduation from Valdosta State University with my masters degree. 3/4 of my graduations she has attended and driven all over to attend them. '06 high school, '10 Tuskegee University when I got my bachelors degree, 2012 in Valdosta, Ga, and I did not want to attend my Eds graduation in 2018 and made a day before decision to go, however she did send a card. I want to highlight Patricia Davis although she is a retired teacher and you can take from it what you please. She saw in me what I could not see in myself over 20 years ago. I talked and played around a lot in school but she knew all about how to build relationships with her students. The relationships she built then was the foundation for our relationship now.

I am a first generation college graduate and she knew that I would complete college before I even knew what college was. Because of that she fueled in me a love for reading and discovery. She taught me that I could do whatever I wanted to as long as I put my mind to it and was willing to do the work and see it through. Although from time to time I got into mischief, as most kids do, she gracefully guided me. Never putting me down but disciplining me in a way that made me love her even more. Here I am today trying to imitate her lol. Trying my best to influence those young minds I have been charged with influencing. So when I think of Teacher Appreciation Week I think about building relationships, motivating, believing in and encouraging students and pushing them to be all they could be. If you are a teacher reading this, know your work is not in vein. If you are a student reading this, and had a teacher that pushed you, had/have high expectations and encouraged you to do your best, don't give them a hard time. Even if you do not understand it all at this time. Trust and know that those teachers are planting seeds in your life that over time will grow and develop to something great! If you are a parent reading this, develop a relationships with your childs teachers. You know your child based on their home life, your childs teacher knows them based on academic performance, character, and their school life.

Just as Mrs. Davis changed my life, so are the teachers teaching their hearts out today, be it in person or virtually. Just think, there would never be a president, governor, doctor, police officer, mail carrier, nurse, lawyer,...or even a teacher, if it wasn't for the influence of a teacher. This is my story of teacher influence, the sky is the limit with a teacher involved!

The best thing that ever happen to me was a teacher that pushed me far beyond what my eyes could see. Thank you Mrs. Patricia Davis!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all of the educators and teachers. Continue to inspire and educate and always see it though!

Thank you for reading and comment below

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