Wow, you did it!!!!!
Through uncertainty, you did it!
Through,confusion, you did it!
Through tough times, you did!
Look in the mirror, the person you see is a champion. You did it!
The last 10 weeks have taught us all so many things. My prayer is that it brought you and your loved ones whom you live with a bit closer. Maybe you learned something new about yourself, found a new hobby, or created something, or even if you took advantage from some time for R&R. Maybe we all learned to appreciate the things that were just a bit more. My, my, my...who would have ever thought we'd need each other so much during a time we had to stay apart. However, we did it! You did it!
I am writing this to congratulate you. You, that's who! Yes, we are celebrating all the graduates and all the students for completing another yet different school year but in the mist of me telling you, "Job well done", I want you to look in the mirror and congratulate yourself! You did the work! Parents, if you stayed at home and became a teacher while, cooking, cleaning, balancing the budget, you did the work! Teachers you taught from home and looked after your own children and maybe even taught different grade levels through out the day. You did the work! If you are a student and you did your best on your school work while assisting with your siblings, you did it! Whatever your circumstances were, you did it! As we end one school year and move on I want you to know one thing, none of this would have been possible without you. My advice to you, everyone that reads this blog, both young and old and in between, read. Read everyday, its a must. The sad truth is that come August, we would have physically been away from school 5 months and the best thing we can do as educators is to read, as parents read, as students read. Be it newspapers, magazines, books, or blogs :-) ... read!
A special note for 5th grade students: "You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer any direction you choose" Dr. Seuss! As you embark on a new journey into middle school, I'd like to encourage you to go boldly after your education. Be great in all you do. Put your best effort forward and watch how positive things start to unfold for you. Best wishes for all you do!
Thank you for joining me here these past few weeks. Congratulations to the person you see in the mirror! We did it! YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!
Continue to do the work and as always, be well!
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